To get started we want to know about you and your goals, this is after all your fitness journey!
We do this via a free intro consultation, you tell us what you are wanting to get from the gym.
The next stage is an On-Ramp, 3-5 one on one PT sessions with a coach to learn the foundations of training for newbies or some more advanced skills for those with experience. On-Ramp also includes a one-month full membership.
Our standard monthly membership is for our 7 days per week coached group training program, classes are capped at 12 people to enable the coach to offer real time coaching and feedback to each participant.
If group training is not your thing one on one PT sessions are available as an ongoing option 6 days per week.
Our Hybrid Membership is a combination of Group Classes with one on one PT sessions included, great for those who really want to up their game and dial in strength and skills.
For those visiting us, we offer casual drop-in sessions.