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Nutrition Kickstart


One of the things I get asked about most when talking to people about their training and what they are struggling with and where they need help is with their nutrition.

Most of us know Matty for his Olympic Weightlifting prowess but he's also a accredited sports nutritionist.
Most of us know Matty for his Olympic Weightlifting prowess but he's also a accredited sports nutritionist.

What to eat is the big question and with so many conflicting opinions and confusing information out there, it can be pretty hard to answer!

So to help steer people in the right direction CrossFit Resonate has teamed up with Barefoot Loco, or Matt White as most of us know him. Matt is a Sports Nutritionist who works with athletes across many different sports to really fine tune their nutritional requirements to help them perform at their best.

With Matt's help we have put together a 4 week nutrition "healthy habits kickstart" with the goal of helping people with getting things going in the right direction.

It's not a super strict only eat this or that type of approach but more of a guide on what to eat and why with some education to try to clear the picture.

Each of the 4 weeks will have a new piece to ad on the previous weeks learnings, so progressively adding things in rather trying to do it all at once.

We are going to kick things off on Monday the 3rd of February with the info you need to get started coming out the week prior.

The cost is $99.00 for Resonate members or $129.00 for anyone else and we are limiting it to only 20 spots so don't hesitate if you want to give it a go!

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